Friday, May 25, 2012

Seven Weeks Deep

I'm out of extended absence jokes, but regardless I'm back baby. 6 game win streaks tend to rekindle flames. Over a quarter of the way through the year and it's hard not to be excited about the battlin fuggin Cincinnati Reds. I see no reason why the Reds can't win this division by 10 or more games. The stars have aligned and I am not mad about it.

 Let's first talk about this pitching. As our boy Thom Brennaman might say, Holy Moses. We won't go there with Cowboy. 4th in the NL with a 3.37 ERA and coming in with the 2nd best bullpen at 2.63. And with Leake and Latos starting to get it going, the numbers will only get better. So much for Great American Smallpark. Keep in mind the bullpen was supposed to tank after the injuries to Madson, Masset, and Bray. We all know about Aroldis and his filthy ways, but Ondrusek, Arredondo, Hoover, and even Chicken Alfredo Simon have all been absolute nails. It's hard to imagine they will keep this up all year, but in the mean time I'm absolutely loving it. The new closer by committee really doesn't bother me at all either. I never bought in to the whole psychological argument for having a steady 9th inning guy. It's all about the match up and it's good to see the Dustbowl finally realized this.

 Let's not fail to consider two big keys to the excellent pitching besides the pitchers themselves. Number one, defense X defense (clap, clap). While having the second fewest errors in the NL is a good indicator of how well they've fielded this year, it's what doesn't show up in the stats that amazes me. The outfield of Heisey, Stubbs, and Bruce can track down virtually anything. They all have cannons and cover the outfield like All-Pro safties. I'm a big fan of this trio, and regardless of offensive production you know these guys will bring it everyday in the field. Long gone are the days of Adam Dunn or Wily Mo misreading fly balls by 50 feet. The infield has been equally as impressive. You know what to expect from Phillips, but Votto has shown Hatteberg-esque scooping capabilities and Cozart isn't shy on Web Gems himself. The hot corner is and always will be shaky if Rolen isn't in the lineup, but overall the defense has been a major factor in helping out the pitchers.

 The second factor of the outstanding pitching goes to who I think has been the MVP of the team so far this year, Ryan Hannigan. The Jason Dulle look alike calls one of the best games of anyone in the league, and the numbers show. In games Hanigan starts, the Reds boast an 18-7 mark proving he is one of the most underrated catchers in the game . You have to consider he typically catches Cueto, Arroyo, and Latos, but still winning games is winning games, and the Reds have a sub 3 ERA when he's behind the dish.

 After last night's win, the Reds are now 22-3 when scoring 4+ runs in a game. Now that's just silly. With numbers like that the offense just has to be average in order for this team to run away with the division. But as of now, calling this offense average would be a stretch. My man Hanigan leads the team with a .322 average with Votto at a respectable .295 and that's about it. As a team the Reds rank 23rd or worse in runs, batting average, and OBP. It's really pathetic considering how much pop you'd think this lineup would have. Playing in GABP 81 times a year shouldn't hurt either. The home run production is starting to come around but what really bothers me is the low on base percentage and AWFUL hitting with runners in scoring position. Votto and Hannigan are honestly the only two players who consistently work the count. Despite Votto leading the league in walks, as a team the Reds are among the worst in this category. After Votto's 41 walks, no one else has more than 12 free passes. That is beyond pathetic. The same is true for hitting with RISP as a team with a shade under a .200 batting average clip in this situations. Yet another concern has to be striking out. For Christ's sake put the ball in play. The league batting average on balls that are in play is above .290. Not to mention a K never amounts to a productive AB in advancing the runners.

 With all of this said, allow me to make a few suggestions. First and foremost, move Hannigan up in the lineup. Is there some rule the catcher has to bat 8th? The guy puts the ball in play and gets on base, something Votto has seen very little of ahead of him in the lineup. I respect the fact Baker's dozen sticks with his players (almost to a fault), but it's a GD travesty Dusty has yet to even consider batting Hanigan 2nd in the lineup. At least give it a fuggin whirl. Second, get rid of Ryan Ludwick. He's slow, has terribles ABs, can't field, and did I mention he's ugly as crap. For all these reasons and more, spare us all, Walt Jocketty. And finally, at least consider trading for Kevin Youkilis. It would take a prospect and be a gamble getting a pricey, injury prone, 3rd baseman, but my goodness can you imagine what a healthy Youk would bring to this struggling lineup? When healthy he averages about .285, 23 bombs, 80 RBI, and scrappy as all get out at bats. The "Greek God of Walks" coming home to Cincy would stir up some interest and even if it's just a one year gig, THE FUTURE IS NOW.

 On their longest win streak since August of 2010, the Reds are poised to keep it rolling this weekend against the lowly Rockies. Just keep beating teams they're supposed to and there's no turning back for this ball club. In the mean s'go s'go Redlegs; In Dusty We Trusty. I'm out.

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