Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fantasy Matchup: Lil Bow Wow vs Aaron Carter

In the latest new segment on Mack Is Berning, we are matching up two sports legends in a fantasy matchup can only dream of simulating. As a huge fan of basketball and late 90s/early 2000s pop music, I am more excited for this than Joe Rogan watching people eat spiders. With that said, here is our first matchup which pits Lil Bow Wow and his magic MJ shoes against Aaron "The Shaq Killer" Carter.

Lil Bow Wow aka Calvin Cambridge
Hit Song: Basketball

In one of the most surprising twists in recent NBA memory, Cambridge was signed after an impressive performance during a halftime contest, and eventually led the Los Angeles Knights/Clippers to a playoff bid before an even more shocking retirement. During that time, he showed unmatched ballhandling, court vision, shooting, and vertical, going so far as to even win the Slam Dunk Contest. While many people initially doubted that a 4'8 kid could hack it in the NBA, his 5'3 wingspan quickly shut them up. He proved himself as a clutch player making numerous game-winners, and showing poise with his game-winning assist in the last game of the season, passing out of a double team, and earning himself a head nod from Vince Carter. Although we will always be left wondering what could have been if not for his abrupt retirement, it is clear that Cambridge had the talent to go down as a legend of the sport.

Aaron Carter
Hit Song: That's How I Beat Shaq

Although he did not have the continued success of Cambridge or play in the NBA, Aaron Carter proved that he can compete with anyone in the world in a game of one on one, pulling off a victory over the great Shaquille O'Neal. While he isn't quite as physically gifted as Cambridge, Carter showed off a good all around game. He has great ability to get to the hoop, and a nice shooting touch. He also pulled off an excellent trick play, convincing Shaq that his shoelace was untied, demonstrating his intangibles. One would certainly wonder how he could perform in a team setting, or even playing against other players, but it is certainly clear that Aaron Carter is an NBA-level player. Why he never got or took the chance will continue to baffle fans for years.

Fuerto's Pick

While I would love to see more film on each player, particularly Carter, whose only tape lasts 3 and a half minutes, much of which is spent dancing, this looks like a very interesting matchup. Carter looks to have a size advantage and would use it to get to the hoop and create shots. However, his defense and lateral quickness appear to be issues, as he got beat off the dribble by Shaq constantly. Cambridge, who blew by the likes of Allen Iverson, Jason Kidd, and Vince Carter during his NBA stint, has a huge advantage here. He uses his superior athleticism and offensive game to pull away with the win in a high scoring affair.


  1. While lateral quickness is a blaring concern, Carter gets the nod in both wingspan and intangibles which as we all know from watching the draft is what wins in the NBA. I've got Aaron all the way in this matchup

  2. Carter was probably like 5'5 at this time. I think he could probably back down calvin down and get most of his points in the paint. And from what I remember, I don't think Calvin's defense was that great. Shaq was never was considered a great defensive center, but he did average 3 blocks for one season and 15 rebounds for another two seasons. He is no michael olowokandi. I have to go with Carter on this one
