Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 13 of March: From The Parking Lot

On a cold day back in 2005 in Worcester, Massachusetts, TJ Sorrentine, Taylor Coppenrath, and Germain Mopa Njila made a name for themselves as the Vermont Catamounts upset Syracuse in front of thousands of screaming fans as well as a screaming Gus Johnson. It all started with two minutes left when Cameroonian guard Mopa Njila hit a three to put the Catamounts up by one. Then, after a bad pass by Hakim Warrick, TJ Sorrentine looked like he was just burning clock as the upset minded crowd began going nuts with their U-V-M chants. All of a sudden, Sorrentine drilled a three FROM THE PARKING LOT setting off major excitement from Gus Johnson and major panic from Orange fans everywhere (pause the video at 1:13). This gave Vermont a two possession lead and all but sealed their victory. In the end, the Catamounts held on for a 60-57 win and their first ever NCAA Tournament win, while TJ Sorrentine (with help from Gus Johnson) became a hero for small schools in March Madness.

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