Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 14 of March: Double Order of Onions

There's only one thing better than March Madness, and that's March Madness with Bill Raftery. This all came in full effect during the Ohio St vs Siena game in 2009 when a record three "ONIONS" calls were recorded. The first came from Buckeye guard PJ Hill after knocking down a pair of free throws with 9 seconds left in the first overtime, extending the lead to 3. Then, after Ohio St questionably decided not to foul, Ronald Moore hit a big three with three seconds left sending the game into double overtime, and earning himself some onions. At the end of the second overtime, down a point, Moore hit another three earning himself an unprecedented double order of onions, and sent Siena to the second round. It truly was "garden variety" with "the little guy knocking them down big time" as the legend Bill Raftery shouted. The Saints were cold from behind the arc for the majority of the game, finishing 6-24, but drilled them when they counted. At the end of the day, that's what having onions is all about.

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